To unify, support and champion a thriving disability ecosystem
A feature of DAWA is a program of summits tackling topics of scale and concern for people with disability.
Each summit is invitation-only to ensure a cross section of people with disability, families, carers, peak bodies, advocates, service providers, experts and government representatives. Attendees contribute their experience, understanding, expertise and research to the key issues and topics under discussion.
Throughout the full-day summit, attendees will hear from experts on the topic, have an opportunity to ask questions and then participate in a DAWA Pod (focus group) to explore the topic in detail. Findings, preferences and recommendations will be collated, and a report will be presented to government representatives and other influencing bodies that are empowered with making change for good.
Nominate a Summit Topic
Do you have a topic that is of strategic and state-wide importance to the disability ecosystem that you would like to nominate for discussion at a summit?
Employment for People with Disability
29 July 2022
Telethon Speech and Hearing Centre
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